
Day 1

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Time Topic and Stage of Inquiry Activity CCSS Presenter Resources

Pre-Workshop Readings (not required)



Introduction to the Library of Congress - 6 Self-directed Professional Development Modules 


Historical Thinking Articles:







Nadine Fabbi

Michelle Pearson

Tina Storer

Peggy O’Neill-Jones






What to expect from today's workshop...

  • What experiences have you had with primary sources as a Learner? 
  • What ideas do you have for using primary sources as a Teacher? 

Session: A History of the Inuit in Canada and the Circumpolar North

  Nadine Fabbi (UW)  1-Introduction to the Arctic.pptx  
9:45-10:00 Health Break       Coffee/tea/water and small snack available in classroom
10-11:30   Session: Climate Change as a Human Rights Issue in the Arctic   Nadine Fabbi (UW) 2-Climate Change & Human Rights.pptx  
11:30-12:30 Lunch        



TPS Goal 1: Understanding Primary Sources; Goal 2: Analyzing Primary Sources; Goal 6: Understanding the Inquiry Process



A Guided Inquiry --

1. Connecting to & Wondering about Primary Sources


Time Topic and Stage of Inquiry Activity CCSS Presenter  Resources


Learning with Primary Sources


Objective 1a: Explain what primary sources are and understand their value in teaching.


Objective 2a: Explore the connection between primary sources and 21st century learning skills and habits.


Analysis of SINGLE primary source.





  Peggy O'Neill-Jones and Michelle Pearson 

Guiding Question 1:

How do we as learners use inquiry with primary sources?


Guiding Question 2: What can the Mystery Photo tell us about XXX?


Thinking about Primary Sources (basic analysis questions):

  • What do you observe? 
  • What do you think you know? 
  • What do you want to find out?


Practice analysis: 


What is the difference between a primary and secondary source?  

12:50 - 1:00 REFLECTION     Peggy O'Neill-Jones and Michelle Pearson  

Please reflect on the two sets of questions below:


Teacher as Learner (photographic analysis activities)

  • In the Mystery Photo practice analysis activity, what did you discover about learning through primary sources?
  • Which questions about the Mystery Photo seemed worth pursuing? Why?
  • As you prepare to INVESTIGATE primary sources, what initial ideas do you have?   


Teacher as Teacher (planning for primary source inquiry) 

  • What are the logistical considerations when using a single primary source such as the mystery photo? 
  • How do you help students CONNECT to content and ideas unfamiliar to them?
  • What can you do to encourage students' curiosity and interest in pursuing inquiry?  
  • How do you focus the inquiry?
  • How do you encourage meaningful questions?



TPS Goal 4: Exploring



A Guided Inquiry --

2. Investigating the Library of Congress and the American Heritage Center as Repositories for Primary Sources


Time Topic and Stage of Inquiry Activity CCSS Presenter  Resources


Introduction to Library of Congress Homepage


Objective 3b: Investigate the ways primary sources and various technologies can promote inquiry, literacy, differentiated learning, and creative expression of knowledge

1. "Homepage Fly-by" 


Self-Directed Inquiry 

Library of Congress Homepage Cheat Sheet
  • In pairs, explore each of the red circled areas.
  • How is the Library of Congress homepage organized?
  • Which un-circled areas might be helpful to you as a Learner? as  Teacher? 


Library of Congress Website




Introduction to American Memory


Guided Tour of the Library of Congress site

  Peggy O'Neill-Jones and Michelle Pearson  

 Library of Congress Website


Instructions for linking and downloading:

As a best practice, always copy the URL from the bibliographic page - not from the browsers address bar.

Please be aware that occasionally in American Memory you will not find the URL on the bibliographic page (The Library is working on eliminating this issue).  If you run across one of these resources, follow the following procedure to get the correct URL:



Additional Information about working with the different media types found at the Library can be found here:

Selecting Primary Sources, Part I: Knowing Your Students (advice from the Teaching with the Library of Congress blog)



Resources for Exploring Copyright:



Library of Congress Resources






Please reflect on the questions below:


  • What are your 3 biggest takeaways from your Library of Congress investigation? 
  • How can you manage your discoveries on the Library of Congress website?
  • What else do you need to know about the Library of Congress website?

Health Break


      Coffee/tea/water and small snack available in classroom 



TPS Goal 3: Teaching with Primary Sources; Goal 4: Exploring



A Guided Inquiry --

3. Investigating the Annotated Resource Set as a Tool for Teaching with Primary Sources


Time Topic and Stage of Inquiry Activity CCSS Presenter  Resources


Objective 3b: Investigate the ways primary sources and various technologies can promote inquiry, literacy, differentiated learning, and creative expression of knowledge.

Session: Primary Source Strategies
  Peggy O'Neill-Jones and Michelle Pearson  

Question Focus Technique


QFT Photo

QFT Photo Clue



Right Question Institute

Summary of the Question Development Protocol

QFT Handout


3:15-3:30   Housekeeping/wrap-up     3-2-1 Survey



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